Senior Pictures Near Us

By Kai Neuberger

Senior pictures; the things we give out to remind people that we exist before we go off to college. A commemoration for having completed high school. Yet, maybe you are unsure of where to go take your photos. What place looks right or has the right feeling? Well, here are some locations near Owasso that may be right to commemorate you.

Stone Canyon Park-

A nice open area to connect with nature and get some really nice photos. Not only is there lush grass surrounding the area, but a nice waterfront and forested area to snap some photos in as well!

Alex Livingston.

Graduated 2019 from OHS.

Photo taken by Leslie Lister

Stone Canyon Trails-

Yet another section of the massive Stone Canyon area, this is a fun location to get a modernized park vibe.

From left to right: Emily McCaslin, Chloe Jernigan, and Macy Henderson.

Graduating 2021 from OHS and Lincoln.

Photo Taken by Ava and Chloe Jernigan

Ding Tea-

A great wall to take photos in front of after enjoying a delicious and popular style of drink! 

Tyler Owens

Graduated 2019 from OHS

Photo taken by Mandy Huo

Giant Subs-

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A very vivid and beautiful wall ready for fun pictures of all kinds with friends and family! 

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Photo by Amy Livingston

FBO Fountain-

A classic local to show your love for Owasso!

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Photo by Construction by Daniels

Football Stadium-

Show your Ram Pride by taking your photos at our High School football field!

Ashlyn Waters and Dawson Adams

Graduating 2020

Photo by Christian Campbell

Funtastic Island and nearby field-

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Not only beautiful, but a classic location to many Owasso dwellers. Certainly, a beautiful place to have your photos done.

Jaycee Hampton

Graduating 2020

Photo taken by Ashley Hopper

Centennial Park- 

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Truly, a classic location with many different aspects to get photos. From the pond, to the playgrounds, to the forested tree lines.

From left to right: Hayleigh Miller, Kai Neuberger, Allissa Cowie, and Tatianna Miller

Graduating 2021

Photo taken by Mary Evans

Prairie Brewpub (Tulsa)-

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A great spot where Classic meets Modern America in the most simplistic of ways. Brick pathways adorned by beautiful architecture, and some well groomed trees. If you decide to take your pictures here and have a flair for the holidays, there’s some beautiful Christmas decor which may be the perfect touch.

Katy Turner

Graduating 2020 from OHS

Photo taken by  @tracimichellephotography on Instagram

Roosevelts (Tulsa)-

Another bar and another fancy spot to get photos if you enjoy Christmas time. If for some reason Prairie Brewpub doesn’t put up their lights, be sure to check here!

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Photo taken by Andrea Neuberger

Antique Brick Buildings (Any will suffice)-

Brick buildings. With the first ones dating back to 7000BC, brick is a classic material. While we’ve already seen brick paths for photos, buildings also provide that classic feel.

Bryce Neuberger

Graduated 2009 at Lincoln

Photo taken by Ashley Hopper

Downtown Tulsa-


Although this is broad, downtown is filled with many exciting locations, even just randoms walls to pose by.

Bryan Neuberger

Graduated 2008 at Lincoln

Photo taken by Ashley Hopper

Hands Graffiti Wall near 2nd and Elgin Downtown Tulsa-


A little piece of local culture lives here and may be just the splash of color your photos need.


Graduating 2020

Photo Taken By Jennifer DeCastro Photography

Tunnel at the Gathering Place near 31st and Riverside-

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The Gathering Place is a new hot spot for our area. If it’s some place you like to spend time with your friends and family, why not get a picture there too?


Graduating 2020

Photo Taken By Jennifer DeCastro Photography

Graffiti Wall at 1st and Admiral Downtown Tulsa-

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Yet another graffiti wall in Tulsa, but this one even includes some science and a little cat. If you want to embrace your love of science but show it’s not just for “nerds”, this may be the spot for you.


Graduating 2020

Photo Taken By Jennifer DeCastro Photography

91st and 129th Owasso (near OHS)-

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Real close to home and a scenic view that could make anyone smile on a nice Oklahoma day. Show your Ram Pride and get your photos done here in town.


Graduating 2020

Photo Taken By Jennifer DeCastro Photography

d.g. Studio (Claremore)-

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Looking for a classy edge for your photos? Why not go to a professional studio? While this exact photographer may not work for you, the studio feeling may be what you desire.

Kallee Rubottom (now Karr)

Graduated 2005

Photo taken by D&G Photography

Woodward Park-

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Maybe a little far for our Owasso dwellers, those whose homes are closer to the Tulsa area may find this park a little more convenient to get to. Although the example photo comes from 2004, the park is still as scenic today as it was then.

Scott Karr

Graduated 2004

Photo taken by Montag photography

With your pets-

Why not a photo with mans best friend? The animal that has been with you through the good and the bad deserves just as much honor as you! 

Ryder  Snap

Graduated 2019

Photo taken by Ashley Hopper


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