I Tried Waking Up At 5AM For A Week So You Don’t Have To

By: ShayLa Blake

To break in the new year, I typically make some sort of resolution to try and fix one of my many bad habits. This year, however, I decided that instead of making resolutions that are only going to last one week, I would challenge myself to do new and interesting things to make life more fun. The first thing that popped into my mind was waking up earlier to give myself more time in the mornings. This complete lapse of judgment was not only not fun or interesting, but it made me realize what I already knew; I am 100 percent not a morning person.

Day 1:

Day one was the hardest day of the entire week. I went to bed three hours earlier than usual to see if that would help the process and it did not help in the slightest. I woke up and immediately regretted the experience before it had even started. To make the next seven days more interesting, not only did I wake up at 5am, but I went on a run as well. This was also a lapse of judgment, since I hate everything about running. The cold air ruined my lungs and made me cough for thirty minutes; I seriously debated quitting because of how much I disliked both waking up early and running. Still, having time to get ready and get breakfast/coffee before school was nice. 

Day 2:

Day two was just as bad as day one, and I had to force myself out of bed and into my running shoes. I woke up with a monster headache and seriously debated just going back to bed, but I pushed myself and it was a complete waste of time. I ran as fast as I could around my block, took a shower, went back to bed, and ran late to school (as usual). Day two was probably the most boring day of the week.

Day 3:

Day three was hands down the worst day of the entire week. I not only woke up with a headache, but I also overslept by ten minutes. It may not seem like much, but when you are doing this for a grade, it is! I ended up going on a run and it didn’t make my headache any better. I wish I would’ve just taken the day off. I ended up wearing my blanket hoodie to school because I was way too tired and needed about two extra hours than what I originally had. 

Day 4:

Day four was better than day three, but it was still unpleasant to say the least. I didn't wake up with a headache, so that was the only plus of day four. The run wasn’t as bad—probably because I was getting used to it by now. Still, all I wanted was for this week to be over.

Day 5:

Day five was a bit of a rough day because I went to bed late the night before. Despite the minor speed bump, getting an early start to the day was helpful and gave me time to catch up on homework I didn’t finish. If not for the slow start, it would’ve been the best day out of the entire week!

Day 6:

Day six, like day five, was only rough when it came to the actual waking up part of the day, but I once again spent way too much time staring at the ceiling, debating whether I should actually get up and run. As far as the run was concerned, it wasn’t as bad as the rest of the days, but I still would have preferred to sleep. 

Day 7:

Day seven was the easiest day because I knew it was the last, so I was motivated to end the week strong. I got up and ran as fast as I could to get it over with. When it’s all said and done, one thing’s for sure; I would never do this again and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone (especially those who doesn’t like running or mornings.) 


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