Local Teens Serving Kindness to the Community
By Aidan Rodriguez
Image of Kaydence Eddy
Every Monday, a new group of ten Owasso High School students, alongside an Owasso Community Resources’ food truck, serve those in need with care packages filled with food and other necessities. This allows students to go out into the community and connect with those around them through kindness. I talked to several students who have gone to the resource center about their experience there. The responses I received were extremely similar.
“My experience was amazing! I had a great time handling the food and helping each other out. It was helpful and fun at the same time, and I am glad that I got to experience serving our community!” Kaydence, a Freshman at Owasso High School, explained.
Image of Kaylee Goodell
Kaylee, another participant, enthusiastically responded, “I would 100% do it again if I got the opportunity to!”
So far, almost one hundred students have been able to participate and serve the community, but there is always room for more! If you are interested in participating, Mr. Officer has sent out an email with a google form attached to sign up or you can click on the link provided below!
Sign up to volunteer at the food bank: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4zH0m2FIcu-eEQDfChkJ6PmR5EbY1V6kT0xvuWCj4GIu-mg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1