Owasso Rampage Code of Ethics

Equity and Fairness
Journalists will strive to be as unprejudiced as possible in our professional writing. We will be transparent about what we claim as fact and what we write as opinion.
Journalists will aim to accurately represent our student body and community by highlighting diverse groups, voices and individuals.
Journalists promise to use careful and unprejudiced language when speaking of sensitive and socially relevant topics.
Journalists promise to remove themselves from any conflict of interests or meddle with personal affairs of involved parties.
Truth, Bias and Accuracy
Journalists pledge to abstain from using any digitally fabricated or photoshopped pictures in our professional articles.
Journalists assure that information will be accurate, proven and time relevant.
Journalism as a class acts independently from any other source and is not sponsored or affiliated with any other parties.
Protecting involved parties
Journalists will maintain the safety, discretion and protection of our writers and staff will be of utmost priority.
Journalists will always write with the utmost respect, care and reverence for our community members, Owasso students and staff
Journalists promise to put their utmost effort and care into writing and producing our articles for the best possible reader experience.