A Year in Choir

A Year in Choir by Zack Harkness

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At Owasso Public Schools, our students in choir have an eventful and fun year ahead of them every school year. These students participate in concerts and competitions, fundraisers, and one huge trip at the end of the year to celebrate all of their hard work throughout their time in the class. 

“The experience is difficult at times, but very rewarding with the outcome,” says Hayden Loveless, an Owasso Jazz Choir member. “I would never give it up for any other elective.”

He also comments on the teachers of Choir. He mentions, “The teachers are great and they actually see us as real people instead of just kids to do what they say. They’re really cool.”

This year, choir students will be going on a cruise from April 23rd to April 27th. Before that, however, they have many concerts to flourish in. Their “Fall Concert” this year will be held on October 7th. Make sure to show your support to these talented individuals this school year. 


One-Act Competition at Union High School


Owasso’s Gathering on Main