A Step in the Right Direction: Equality Club

By Draven St.George

Giving the people a voice in a time of oppression, that’s what is strived for within the Equality Club.

Equality Club, held every Thursday, 3-3:30 p.m., in Room 44 on the Owasso High School West Campus, is a comfortable place for those who want to express themselves when the confinement of high school doesn’t allow them to do so.

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Virginia Miller, an English teacher, and Maegan Walls, a math teacher lead this club with respect and finesse, as they actively voice group participation and self-expression, because this group is meant to be a safe haven for those who have dealt with bullying, mistreatment or aggression from others within the school, at home or online. Both teachers encourage students, with their consent, to talk about their experiences and what Equality Club does for them.

Although this group may seem small, their numbers continue to grow, and their effect on the school continues to blossom as the Equality Club is being recognized within the school. This includes the club becoming an official club within the school, with an account and budget for events that allow for students’ expression.

Further, Miller expressed that although the club discusses LGBTQ+ issues, the point of the club is to discuss concerns with anyone who has been mistreated or discriminated against within the community. 

“Club members will have a heart and a voice,” said Miller. Her passion and dedication to Equality Club is wonderful, and she believes that it is a step in the right direction for students being able to be who they are and not worry about teachers or administrators restricting their potential.

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With their current successes of moving toward a more accepting Owasso, it should also be noted their ambitious plans for the future. While some of these events included splitting clubs between the East and West campuses, growing a social media presence and doing fundraisers to grow their budget, the one event that was being heavily discussed was the Owasso Pride in Your Park event in association with OKEQ. The event is taking place on May 1 at the Redbud Festival Park.

Equality Club is just what Owasso needed this year in order to stay strong. In a time when all people may feel more comfortable with expressing their beliefs, we need support and togetherness as much as possible. Anyone can come as Equality Club is a safe place for anyone to freely express themselves in a positive manner, and the more people that can come to help support the community, the better.


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