Your Next State FFA President Is… Dalton Rogers!
By Alexia Sang
Just one year after graduation, Owasso alum Dalton Rogers has found himself in one of the most honorable positions in the Oklahoma Future Farmers of America (FFA) Organization. One week ago, during the 95th Oklahoma FFA State Convention, the Owasso FFA Chapter sat together in a hotel room in Oklahoma City watching the election on a livestream due to COVID-19 restrictions. Despite not being allowed to watch the event in person, the nervous anticipation was felt by every person in the room as everyone held hands, anxious to hear the election results. The group watched teary eyed as Rogers said his farewell to his previous role as State FFA Reporter and hung his jacket up for what might have been the last time, but as the time came for the next State FFA President to be announced the room erupted in a frenzy of cheers and applause as one of their own, Dalton Rogers, was elected to lead the next generation of FFA members.
2021-2022 State FFA Officer Team, Dalton Rogers pictured middle of bottom row. Photograph taken by State Convention Media Team
Those elected to State Office take on the responsibility of leading the 22,245 members who are a part of the Oklahoma FFA Organization. Being elected to this position is an emotional event and requires dedicating almost an entire year to campaigning and proving yourself as an outstanding leader.
Rogers recalls the emotion he felt when his name was announced saying, “Honestly, my mind was all over the place! Knowing that I’ve got big shoes to fill and then the excitement of leading a new officer team.”
Rogers has been a part of FFA for six years now. He started out as a member of the Owasso FFA Chapter and then shortly before graduating in 2020, he was elected to be the State FFA Reporter. Rogers attributes much of who he is today to the many lessons he’s learned throughout his years in FFA.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned through this organization, it's that you will never know the impact you have on other people, so be intentional and true with everyone you meet,” says Rogers.
Rogers has spent this past year learning from the previous state president, Tanner Taylor, and has many goals for this upcoming year.
When asked about what he hopes to accomplish Rogers explains that his main goal is, “Returning [the FFA organization] to a sense of normalcy. COVID-19 restrictions are slowly being lowered and I hope to remind people who we are and where we are headed [despite the past year].”
Despite his achievements, Rogers hasn’t forgotten where he started and encourages young members to strive for leadership roles in their communities and local chapters. Rogers explains that the best way to become a leader is simply to take advantage of opportunities and to step outside your comfort zone.
“Say yes!” Rogers states, “We find ourselves being comfortable way too often. The only way to grow is to get down and dirty with the stuff that you are scared to do. Give a speech, meet those people. It all pays off later.”