The Race Is Over; Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced! 

By Aidan Rodriguez

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The Race Is Over; Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced! .png

Merrik Barnes and Shreya Rohatgi Photos taken by Aidan Rodriguez

After four years of hard work, the announcement that the class of 2021 has been waiting for has finally arrived; who is this year’s Valedictorian and Salutatorian? The students who claim these prestigious titles are Merrik Barnes and Shreya Rohatgi (respectively). 

Both students are elated at the news as Rohatgi proclaims, “I’m just so grateful for this opportunity. I’ve put a lot of hard work into my classes, and I’m honored to represent this achievement.”

Since freshman year, both students have worked hard to earn this honor. They challenged themselves both mentally and physically, taking every AP class possible. They somehow still found time to do several other activities. Barnes is President and Varsity Captain of the Academic Team, President of Equality Club, Vice-President of NHS, as well as a member of Odyssey of the Mind, the Women in STEM Bookclub, Student Council and Senior Board. Rohatgi has just as much as she is Co-President of NHS and is an active member of the Student Council, Senior Board, Mock Trial, Poetry Club, Academic Team and the Women in STEM Bookclub. This may sound like a daunting task, and it was, but they still found time to have fun.

Rohatgi explains that not all of her classes were AP, stating, “I loved classes like Theatre and Journalism, and I didn’t want to give up those classes just to boost my rank,” She continues by saying, “[So,] I chose courses that I would truly enjoy, and that makes this achievement worth so much more.”

Barnes also found relief from his AP classes through his outside hobbies. In his free time, Barnes likes to bake, play Dungeons and Dragons, read and play with his several animals.  

Many people expected Merrik Barnes’ win as Valedictorian, as he has had his sights set on this title since freshman year and maybe even earlier. In elementary school, Barnes was able to advance out of many classes, especially math, and this set him up to win his Valedictorian title. The title came with many of its own challenges, though. Barnes has persevered through the emotional and physical toll becoming the Valedictorian takes on a person. He has spent countless nights losing sleep to complete his homework and study for tests and has gone through the stress of taking over 10 AP classes. Barnes has worked hard and struggled to earn this title, but in the end, it was all worth it. 

Barnes talks about his struggles claiming, “Sometimes the obstacles we overcome on the way to our goals are just as important as the goals themselves.”

The title for Salutatorian, however, was still in question. Several students were fighting for the position, and many were close to claiming the title. However, only one person could win. 

There was shock receiving the news as Rohatgi elaborates, “I wasn’t expecting this at all, but the reality was starting to sink in a little. I’m incredibly grateful to all the teachers that have encouraged me, and I am truly honored to represent this achievement.”

While both students are humble in their win, they take great pride in their achievements as representatives of our great school. Congratulations again to Barnes and Rohatgi on their win!


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