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The terrific talent at Owasso High School
The annual Owasso High School Talent Show is never something to skip. There is always incredible talent to be seen and heard from the student body. In years past, the hour-long show was packed with exciting action from our peers, some of which we might have never expected to take the stage; the 2025 show was no different.

Blood, sweat and oil: Trenton Hall and his Stingray Corvette
If the “Fast and Furious” series has highlighted one anything it is that family matters. Trenton Hall is an OHS student that has an incredible looking car. While a 1977 “Stingray” Corvette is a dream to many, the story between Hall and his car runs deeper than a material connection.

The finest hoopers in Owasso are repeating recent history
Over the course of the past two months, the Varsity Boys Basketball team has been making accomplishments that rival the fierce dedication they put into their last season—the season that won them the State Championship title. Now, they’re back and bringing their A-game to B-Ball better than ever before.

Owasso’s sub shops surveyed: the ultimate verdict
To find the best sandwich, I ordered the largest “Italian” sub from every shop I went to, which I used as a frame of reference in terms of taste. I will be considering the following factors in my five-point rating: price, speed, service and flavors.

Ways OHS encourages students to “Be Their Best”
During the awkward teenage phase of life, it’s difficult to find things in common with those who lead different lifestyles than our own. Various emotional and physical imbalances often hinder our ability to grow relationships with each other. In addition to the neverending physical upkeep of the school, administration is just as responsible for keeping school spirit afloat to diminish this division; a large percentage of their job is boosting school morale throughout the year.

Water crisis at Owasso High School?
Last December, OHS’s Hidden Figures Book Club finished reading “Poisoned Water” by Candy J. Cooper and Marc Aronson. This book detailed the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, during which tap water in Flint contained a dangerous amount of lead—almost 1,000 times the maximum level set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. One of the causes for lead contaminants was low water pH levels, which led to corrosion of Flint’s pipes. Alarm spread through the OHS Marine Ecology class when they found even lower pH levels throughout the East Campus; however, the results turned out to be faulty.

GNX: reviewing Kendrick Lamar’s latest lyrical labyrinth
The American rapper Kendrick Lamar Duckworth caught the world off guard on Nov. 22, 2024 with the unexpected release of his sixth studio album, “GNX.”

Music—the reason for the season
The time surrounding Christmas is a time unlike any other. The winter season is full of merriment, whimsy and wonder, with people looking forward to it all calendar-year round. What makes this time of the year so sentimental? Some would say its greatness is marked by the food or the festive lights. Others would recall memories with family and friends or presents around a decorated tree. But what truly marks Christmas as a standout holiday is the variety of music that celebrates it.

And a holiday book in a pear tree…
I picked six different books in different genres to read and rate based on four categories: nostalgia, Christmas cheer, how easy it was to read and how well I thought the story was told.

The stampede’s silence
A tale of two teams, coming together in an incredible contest to determine who could withstand the finale of an enduring rivalry. The Rams versus the Spartans. The Horns versus spears. A stampede versus an army. With Owasso’s record of 12 wins and zero losses, everything seemed to line up. And in fact, it did; the end of the game looked close on the horizon. With a score of 42 to 35, the final match was set to make for a complete and undefeated season.

Bikes for Kids
Every year, the Owasso High School football field is kept clear of football players for a week to make room for hundreds upon hundreds of bicycles. The rows of bikes upon the 10-yard lines create a spectacle to see, but the most eye-catching sight is Natalie Lefler—who goes by radio name Natalie Cash—living in a tent 40 feet in the air. Lefler just finished her tenth year of Bikes for Kids, an annual event during which she camps out at Owasso High School to collect bicycles for kids in need.

Horse: Owasso’s greatest thrashers
The number one complaint I hear from music-lovers is almost always that touring artists never come to Oklahoma. While this may be true for bigger artists, Tulsa has a lively local music scene including genres such as post-emo, progressive rock, and hardcore. So, even though many popular musicians might not visit the midwest as is, even those musicians started their careers in local venues. Supporting these local artists is essential.

Tulsa-area holiday fun!
While the holiday season is a time of giving to your loved ones, the holiday is also characterized by spending time with them. During this season, it can be very “merry” to find activities that cost little to no money and give you quality time with the ones dearest to you.

OHS staff’s Spotify Wrapped
Every December, Spotify releases a data-filled slideshow to reveal a user's listening habits over the consecutive year. This slideshow is known as “Spotify Wrapped,” also referred to as “Wrapped.” Wrapped is one of the biggest occasions for Spotify and overall allows a sense of commonality for Spotify users.

The Man Who Came to Dinner: the latest show from Owasso’s Troupe 4722
The Owasso High School drama department’s 2024 winter production told the story of a 1930s rude radio personality. Yet, once the lights are turned on and the make-up is off, the magic of this theater production does not leave. Acting glory and fantastic world-building did not disappear in an empty and well-lit Performing Arts Center.

Owasso High School’s 2024 teachers of the year
Teaching can be significantly exhausting: crafting their own curriculum in order to form the mind’s of the upcoming generation on a daily basis. To recognize the duty of this group, the “Teacher of the Year” program was made to recognize and thank our country’s teachers. Those who compete are given the chance to win a paid 12-month leave, national travel opportunities and speak at teaching seminars across the country.