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Learning and earning: Owasso High School’s internship revolution
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Learning and earning: Owasso High School’s internship revolution

Owasso High School is open to a variety of career options for upperclassmen, ranging from more traditional paths like concurrent and Tulsa Technology Center courses to more unique endeavors such as student internships. This year, OHS has seen an unusually high number in student internships.

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Centennial Park: Owasso’s outdoor refuge
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Centennial Park: Owasso’s outdoor refuge

In little-big suburban towns such as Owasso, it’s easy  to stay inside all day. With compact places like Target, Walmart and other local stores, what we really need is a place outdoors to walk around and let go of the day's stresses—Centennial Park is just the place for this.

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How Rampals are reaching out to the younger generation
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

How Rampals are reaching out to the younger generation

The Rampals program happens every Wednesday and is where leadership students go to different elementary schools to spend time with the younger students. The program is led by Ms. Shannon Beck and Coach Asa Poteete in their respective leadership classes. 

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Helping students navigate towards academic success
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Helping students navigate towards academic success

Students need help navigating the college application process, and senior Sophia Sim stepped up to provide aid to students around the world. Alongside Ohio senior Isa Eribo, Sim created The Career Compass Coalition (TCCC), a tool to make the journey easier.

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Coffee Categorization!
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Coffee Categorization!

Many places around Owasso offer coffee better than your average Keurig—but which shops are the most ideal and suited for your coffee-sipping purpose?

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Forging a new path: Screaming Earth Records
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Forging a new path: Screaming Earth Records

For so long, Owasso hasn’t had many record stores. With the love for the past coming back into trend, it's only inevitable that Owasso would gain a Mom-and-Pop establishment, with influences of trendy vintage clothes and up and coming musicians around Owasso.

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What is LARP Club?
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

What is LARP Club?

At first glance, LARP (Live-Action Role-Playing) Club may seem like a bunch of people smacking each other with pool noodles, but Larp contains layers of emotional value that often go unnoticed.

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All-State: practicing under pressure
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

All-State: practicing under pressure

Now that the fall semester has begun, many students have been scrambling to maintain a rhythmic schedule for their lives in order to keep up with the demands of their teachers, extracurriculars and electives.

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Owasso High club highlight
Andrew DeBella Andrew DeBella

Owasso High club highlight

As the students of Owasso High School dive into the school year, many of them involve themselves with clubs. This past week, the school held their annual “Ram Roundup,” a week-long, student-led activity that involves initiating new members and learning about diverse topics.

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