Owasso High club highlight

By Daisy Leading Fox

As the students of Owasso High School dive into the school year, many of them involve themselves with clubs. This past week, the school held their annual “Ram Roundup,” a week-long, student-led activity that involves initiating new members and learning about diverse topics. During this club fair, students can get involved with new groups or even better—find out what they love. The students take pride in the amount of their peers that become new or returning members of these clubs. This is what makes the community of Owasso High School a strong one.

French Club

French Club is one of the many highly respected clubs at OHS. Madame Wright, a French teacher, is in charge of the club.

Photo of Owasso French club taken by Leslie Wright

Sophomore Kellan Blalack explains how his role in the club has benefitted him, saying, “[French club] helps me build connections and drives me to be more connected to other places in the world.” He continues, “The french club is very welcoming and Madame Wright is awesome.”

The French club has meetings every other Tuesday to focus on the culture of France and other french-speaking countries. The members look forward to another great year and many to come.

Odyssey of the Mind

Odyssey of the Mind (OM) is one of the most nationally known clubs present at OHS. OM is correlated with an organization that influences schools around America to start their own club. The OM teams choose from one of five prompts that include a problem then make a performance that includes all the requirements. The OM members learn to look at problems from different angles and ask the right questions to find a solution while bonding as a team. The 2023-24 OM group was the first Owasso team in several years to attend OM Worlds, located at Iowa State University. At Worlds, the Owasso OM team was scored on their critical thinking and great ideas; their minds were put to the test.

Photo of the 2024-25 Odyssey of the Mind team taken by Mallory Sepulveda

Addison Welborn, a member of OM, reflects on the scoring, saying, “Part of our score is doing it in the most creative way possible. It’s to get you to think outside the box.”

The OM club hopes to send more teams to Worlds and get people to enjoy Odyssey of the Mind like the Owasso team does.

Speech and Debate

Another one of the biggest clubs is Speech and Debate. Debate attends about 8 tournaments a year around the state. Led by their teacher, Allison Dodge, Debate has had many state qualifiers and has attended district as well as regional tournaments. Speech and Debate largely focuses on researching different policies, public speaking and intellectual debating.

Photo of Owasso Debate taken by Allison Dodge

Team captain of Speech and Debate, Olivia Kerber, shines a light on the positive environment of the group, saying, “We’re all good friends with one another, the class is never silent,”she went on, “We all genuinely love having conversations with each other.”

These students strive to work together while making the most of the Owasso Debate team.

Comic Book Club

Comic Book Club is one of the newest additions of clubs. This club meets every Tuesday to talk about comics and comic book-related movies, video games and tv shows. This club has four head members: Ryland Nuckels (sophomore), Hayden Smith (sophomore), Cohen Uhryonywcz (sophomore), and Cooper Von Aschen (junior).

“It’s a very positive environment—when there’s a disagreement about a movie or comic, we all respect each other's opinions,” sophomore member Cohen Uhrynowycz recalls.

Photo of the Comic Book Club table taken by Brady Gardner

With over 20 clubs to display and more than half the school participating, Owasso High School has had yet another successful Ram Roundup.


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