A Senior’s Last Game

By Jackson Nester

As we all know, your senior year of high school is a very emotional one for most, and is also the year where many big decisions are made. It is the ending of your “childhood” and the beginning of adulthood. This is why senior year is so tough and emotional for some people, especially those in sports. A lot of seniors are involved in sports and most are playing the last official games that they will play in their lifetime. This puts into the perspective how fast time flies for most, it also shows the lasting impact sports can have on you in your life. This led me to wonder what some of our seniors who played or are about to play in their final game had to say about this. I asked a couple of seniors their emotions they had coming in to and out of their last game, and the impact that the sport had on them in high school, and in their life. 

Madison Mercer - Senior Volleyball

Madison Mercer struggles with wrapping up her high school volleyball career; it didn’t have the end she wanted. Though, Madison will play volleyball in college at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, yet she was still very emotional in her final high school game.

“I was excited and nervous since it was regionals. I was positive we were going to make it to state, we just came up short. After the game I was devastated, as soon as we lost I had tears streaming down my face. It was just hard to think about how those four years were over,” Madison remarked.

“Overall, I learned how to be a good teammate and true leader, and what it takes to be both. It was tough but I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.” 

While Madison  reflects on her memories of OHS Volleyball, she is more than excited to play in college and gain more experience and teamamtes! 

Photo taken by Kresta Bowman

Photo taken by Kresta Bowman

Carter Davis - Senior Football

Carter Davis, a center for the football team, also dealt with loss, as the team was recently beat by Jenks in the playoffs. This means, Carter just played in his final football game ever at Owasso, and is undecided with his future in the sport.

“I am finally starting to realize why people always say to enjoy high school while it lasts because it’s coming to an end quickly. I learned through football that you always have to give everything you got; give all you got no matter how much you have left,” Carter explained. 

With the loss being so recent, Carter is still in shock with just how quickly his high school career has gone; though, during our discussion he related that his time in football taught him character, dedication, and what it means to work hard for something - a lesson everybody can learn.  

Evident in these two seniors responses, enjoy high school while it lasts; it goes by faster than you could imagine. Enjoy the experiences you have and all the memories you make throughout these four years because before you know it, you will be on the graduation stage receiving your high school diploma. 

Photo take by Cristion Campbell

Photo take by Cristion Campbell


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