What is OHS missing?
By Hannah Stephens
Owasso High School is a fairly large school with about 3,000 students. With that many students, there are copious amounts of different courses offered beyond the basic English and math classes. While this is true, some students at Owasso High are voicing their opinions that the school needs to offer a new variety of courses. Let’s hear what four different OHS students have to say about this.
Photo of Owasso High School taken by KTUL
The school already has various art classes, but the call for an art form used on a daily basis is now being heard. Freshman Samantha Passwaters and sophomore Kyle McKoy believe the school needs to add a cooking class to their roster.
“I think they should add more cooking classes… and also something like gardening too because that would be pretty interesting as well,” McKoy states.
Passwaters echoes his sentiment, saying, “Not a lot of people know how to cook; sometimes they’re not given the experience or the time at home to. I feel like it’s a life skill that everyone should learn so they’re not dependent on pre-made food. It’s really fun too!”
Along with certain life skills, senior Shiane Casinger believes that Owasso High School needs more finance classes. While it is true that taking personal financial literacy is required to graduate, she believes that more is needed to prepare students for the real world.
Casinger bluntly states that the school should add a “tax filing class ‘cause no kid knows how to do their taxes without their parents’ help, so they pay someone to do it for them. Kids don’t know how to manage their money without [their] parents’ help, and some kids don’t have parents to help them.”
In addition to these classes, sophomore Tyler Trimble believes the school needs to offer more foreign language classes. The school already offers French and Spanish classes, but with a wave of different schools venturing out of the basics, he believes that Owasso High School should follow suit.
Trimble explains, “I think they should have more foreign languages to add some diversity.”
Passwaters has more ideas for the school’s language program as well.
She believes that “Sign language would be good ‘cause nobody knows sign language. I think it would be pretty cool ‘cause, I mean you don’t run across a lot of deaf people… but it’s a good skill to have in case you do, and sign language would definitely open up more [job opportunities].”
While ASL is not technically spoken, it is still widely used among half a million people.
OHS students taken by Hannah Stephens
Overall, Owasso High School has many classes for its plethora of students. Yet, some are left with a sense of wanting more out of the school. They believe that the school needs to add more courses that prepare them for basic living functions and make room for more job opportunities. With these, OHS will be a more well-rounded school leaving its students ready and hopeful for their futures.