The Crossing Guards of OHS

By Kadence Morris

Photo of OHS crossing guards taken by Kadence Morris

The first thing you notice about the Owasso High School Crossing Guards is they're happy, hilarious and helping the community in such a humble way. 

As a student of OPS, it is not uncommon to notice the treatment exhibited towards the crossing guards, and although it's not all bad, it could be better. These people are here willingly from two-six hours every single day in rain, sleet, snow, or billion degree weather, and they could not be happier about it. Kay Fenrich, one of the lovely crossing guards at OHS, smiled through her whole interview. Her job means so much to her and although sometimes it feels like "herding cats" she wouldn't trade it for the world.

"I love helping," Fenrich exclaimed, "It's my way of giving back to the community!" 

This is Fenrich’s 6th year as a crossing guard at the Highschool and Mills elementary as well, where her grandkids attended. Fenrich chose to work at the highschool, which can come with its challenges- such as students not respecting the crossing guards or their rules.

Eddie Walters, another crossing guard at OHS, has been here for four years. 

When asked what students need to know about his job, he chuckled and said, "Stop at the 15 second mark...maybe you can make it across, but I can't." 

Walters used to be a substitute teacher for OHS before deciding to stick with being a crossing guard. It's better hours and it means he can spend more time at the highschool. Walters has made some great memories in his years of being an OHS crossing guard. 

"I like the people I work with...I like the opportunities to connect with the students," Walters said.

Walters’ fondest memories all include making people happy. He enjoys the times when he can make people laugh and crack a smile, especially the people who look like they need one.

The crossing guards have truly formed a special bond with each other as well as the students. 

Aside from Terry Layton, who is "always busy working", the crossing guards chat it up with each other in-between passing periods, enjoy Powerade or hot cocoa brought by appreciative students. There is never a dull moment in their lawn chairs. 

When crossing the street, make sure to smile and thank the OHS crossing guards for all they do to keep staff and students safe!


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