Student Highlight: National “Merrik” Scholar 

By: Aidan Rodriguez

Every year, there is a nationwide search for high-achieving students through the Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test (PSAT). Many juniors take this test, but only a small percentage of them end up qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship. This year, Owasso’s own Merrik Barnes passed the first rounds of qualification for just that. It was a rigorous process to be considered for the scholarship, but Merrik’s work isn’t over quite yet. There is a second component to this scholarship that includes writing essays and getting letters of recommendation from teachers. Merrik is in the process of completing his essays and getting his letters of recommendation, and we all wish him luck.

A chart of the process to become a National Merit Scholar. 

A chart of the process to become a National Merit Scholar. 

Merrik also has high aspirations for his future. He is planning to attend an Ivy League college and double major in Environmental Architecture and Engineering while also minoring in Cyber Security. This is a daunting task for anyone, but Merrik makes it seem so easy. However, he’s taken several steps and put in a tremendous effort to get where he is today. The biggest step to achieving this goal was qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship. As a quick little guide, Merrik shared 5 steps for others who want to try for a National Merit Scholarship. 

Merrik Barnes Owasso’s 2021 National Merit Semifinalist

Student Highlight National Merrik Scholar .jpg
  1. “Practice tests, practice tests, practice tests.”- Merrik said that he took a considerable amount of practice tests before he took the PSAT. He took tests with friends as well as by himself, but the most important thing he did during these tests was explaining and correcting wrong answers. 

  2. “Focus on your weak points.”- On subjects that he knew he was weaker in, Merrik would focus his studies and do more tests and reviews. This helped round out his subjects, and raise his overall PSAT score. 

  3. “Put in the effort.”- By putting in the effort during school and while studying, tests such as the PSAT will seem less daunting.

  4. “You get one shot.”- The only PSAT score that counts for students is the score from their junior year, so they really have to buckle down and study for that test. 

  5. “Wait for your results.”

By taking several practice tests and applying himself to school and studying, Merrik was able to earn a distinguished honor for graduation. Congratulations again to Merrik Barnes for his incredible job on becoming a National Merit Semifinalist, and to any others who want to do the same, work hard and good luck!


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