Social Media Leaves Many Teens Stressed Out

By Emily McCaslin

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How something so seemingly harmless can actually lead to an intense amount of stress is a topic of both widespread debate, as well as intrigue. In a poll taken on Instagram, where high school students could cast their vote as to whether they had ever experienced anxiety with something they saw on social media, 64% answered ‘yes’. Yet, when asked if they would ever consider taking a social media cleanse, only 15% answered ‘no.’

The conflict sparked by said topics has not gone unnoticed in the eyes of those surrounding it. In an interview with a high school teacher (who has chosen to remain anonymous), he admits that students have come to him with problems associated with social media, further relaying that it perpetuates bullying and unneeded stress. In an article by Tracy Francis and Fernanda Hoefel, the writers state, “Technology has given young people an unprecedented degree of connectivity among themselves and with the rest of the population.” (Francis, Hoefel). In turn, the overwhelming amount of freedom that follows such connections is one that brings with it both the best of human improvement, as well as its troubling counterpart. 

We don’t know for certain if social media is the leading cause of students stress, but one cannot deny the fact it plays a major role. Whether or not a break from social media is a necessary sacrifice to ensure peace of mind should be considered by every student.


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