Paul Kha —The Royal Flash: Into the Royalverse

By Braylon Stafford

Photo of Paul Kha taken by Kha

The Royalverse has taken over Owasso High School. Yet despite its popularity, some still haven’t discovered the intricacies of the Royalverse.  Like Marvel or DC, the Royalverse is a fictional universe of thousands of super-powered individuals. However, unlike Marvel or DC, the Royalverse was created entirely by one mastermind student, Paul Kha.

Kha started the Royalverse by creating his first character, the Royal Flash —his own superhero based on DC’s flash— when he was in only fifth grade. Kha discovered that he loved creating his own superheroes and would continue to do so secretly for another two years. However, in seventh grade, Kha drastically expanded his universe and took his hobby public.

“I wrote down a list of superpowers, brought it to school the next day, and started assigning powers to students,” Kha explains.

From there, Kha’s Royalverse grew exponentially. Kha began asking everyone he met if they would like to be part of his Royalverse and if they would like to be assigned a superhero. Since everyone thinks being a superhero is cool, most people said yes to Kha. The Royalverse is now massive, though it would not gain its current traction among fellow students until the fall of 2022.

“[People] like being a part of something, and [the royalverse] is something everyone can be a part of,” Kha states.

Once Kha hit his senior year, his whole world went crazy. People found out about the Royalverse, and Paul Kha quickly became a legendary name around the halls of OHS. Kha began hosting tournaments between people’s characters and posted the battles on his social media, uniting the students of OHS. Soon, Kha was voted onto the homecoming court, and a group of athletes even wrote ‘P-A-U-L’ across their chests at the homecoming game.

Kha notices how he brings students together and proudly claims, “I’ve been working on [the royalverse] for seven years, and now all my work has paid off.”

However, all good things must come to an end, and with Kha in his senior year, this includes the Royalverse. Yet, this is not the end of Kha’s story. With the skills he has obtained while building his multiverse, he plans to go far in life and put these skills to good use.

“I would really like to be a screenwriter or an author,” Kha says when asked what he would like to do after high school.

Paul Kha has done something that few can say they’ve achieved on such a grand scale: he has united the students of OHS. Kha’s kind nature and creative mind will continue to inspire others and connect students around Owasso High School. And if you just so happen to see a red blur speed by you in the hallway, you probably just passed the Royal Flash.


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