Kicking Off Dear Rambo

Kicking Off Dear Rambo

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Dear Rambo is an advice column in The Rampage that hopes to answer questions posed by the student body. Submissions can be sent anonymously from a google form, and publications will be updated monthly. Check back in to see if your response has been answered! Our first question comes from an anonymous senior:

Dear Rambo,

What makes a good leader? How would you describe leadership at our high school and community?

Dear Senior Student,

That’s a great question to start off this advice column! In my opinion, leadership is defined as standing up for others and establishing a good example for your peers. Such qualities can be expressed in many different ways, both at our school and in our community. There lies a vast array of different organizations, all enabling students with  the ability to volunteer their help for a greater purpose; notable examples include our Student Council, FCCLA, and National Honor Societies. Later in the year, FCCLA will have a sock and hat drive to give to the less fortunate. Students often showcase these leadership skills in school, but it’s just as easy to do so in our community! Our National Honor Societies offer students the opportunities to volunteer at local events outside of school as well. While these groups are perfect examples to involve yourself in leadership roles, you don’t have to be a member to make a difference! Stop by to help at a local soup kitchen or actively donate to homeless shelters. Though these may seem like simple tasks, they make a big difference to the people on the receiving end. Leadership can be shown in many ways, but it's the initiative behind them that truly defines its possibilities. 

                                         Sincerely, Rambo


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