Word of The Year

By Emily McCaslin

With 2020 starting, everyone is drowning in their New Year's resolutions. People always struggle with them and by the time it’s February, most of these resolutions are lost. Wouldn’t it be easier just to pick a word for the year? Just one word to focus on changing how you deal with certain things?

These are some different examples of words for the year:

  • Discipline

  • Learn

  • Growth

  • Trust

  • Patience

  • Perspective

  • Responsibility

  • Focus 

If your word is learn, for example, it could mean you learn from your mistakes and use your experiences to shape you into a better person. 

If your word is perseverance, you could choose to push through hard times and focus on your goal.

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My word for the year is love. I want people to know how much they are loved and to love each other through forgiveness. Whenever I’m feeling down, I can think of my word to renew my mind and practice forgiveness which will ultimately help me in the future.

To remember your word, there are many things you can do, including writing your word on your arm or a sticky note and putting it somewhere you often see (like a folder for school or your bathroom mirror.) After awhile, you will train your mind to think of this word regularly.

Whatever your word may be, use it to make a difference. Challenge yourself to think of this word whenever you are stressed or are struggling this year. You never know; It could make a difference in others' lives as well as your own. If you keep it up, you could make a habit of it and, inadvertently, set yourself up for a better year. 


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