Which High School Movie/Show Do You Belong In?

By: Emily McCaslin

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live like a high school student the way they do in movies? To have all the songs, romance, and drama a part of your everyday life? Which high school movie would you choose? Take this quiz to find out which movie you would thrive in! For each question, pick an answer from A-E, add them up, then find your results at the bottom of the article.

  1. What is your favorite extracurricular?

  1. Drama

  2. Newspaper

  3. Can’t choose just one

  4. Choir 

  5. Sports

2. What is your Starbucks order?

  1. Chai Latte

  2. Frappuccino

  3. Hot Chocolate

  4. Pink Drink

  5. Espresso

3. What is your favorite color?

  1. Red

  2. Green

  3. Black

  4. Yellow

  5. Blue

4. What decade do you belong in?

  1. 90s

  2. 20s

  3. 80s

  4. 70s

  5. 00s

5. What is your favorite movie genre?

  1. Romance

  2. Horror

  3. Drama

  4. Comedy

  5. Action

6. Pick a singer/band.

  1. Sam Smith

  2. Green Day

  3. Guns N’ Roses

  4. The Beatles

  5. Kendrick Lamar

7. What is your favorite accessory?

  1. Necklace

  2. Leather Jacket

  3. Earrings

  4. Graphic Tee

  5. Sneakers

8. What are you doing at a friday night football game?

  1. I’m singing the national anthem

  2. I’m on the cheer team

  3. I’m not going to the game

  4. I’m in the band

  5. I’m on the football team

9. What stickers are on your chromebook?

  1. Inspirational quotes

  2. Your favorite book or tv show

  3. I don’t put stickers on my chromebook

  4. Your favorite band

  5. Your favorite sports team

10. What is your favorite music genre?

  1. Pop

  2. Jazz

  3. Rock

  4. Indie

  5. Hip Hop


Mostly 1’s- “High School Musical”

Which High School MovieShow Do You Belong In.png

You are very outgoing and have a big group of friends. You are the loud one of the group and can always make people laugh. You are confident and are always up to try new things.

Mostly 2’s- “Riverdale”

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You are an introverted extrovert and are very intelligent. You are a little shy, but not afraid to speak up for what you believe in. You can have a secretive side, but can just as easily open up to the right people.

Mostly 3’s- “The Breakfast Club”

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You are an old soul and are a very relaxed person. You like to go with the flow and are very protective of your loved ones. You can have a tight group of friends that you would do anything for.

Mostly 4’s- “Lemonade Mouth”

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You love music. You can be quiet, but when you get around the right people, you can branch out and be yourself. You are a good listener and are the person everyone comes to for advice.

Mostly 5’s- “All American”

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Sports are your life. You are a perfectionist and always strive to be the best you can. You are a role model that people look up to. You will be very successful in the future.


The Gravy Train Keeps Going


Album Review: “good kid, m.A.A.d. city”