The Ultimate Sweet Tea Challenge

By Emily McCaslin

The Ultimate Sweet Tea Challenge.png

Us southerners love our sweet tea. Emphasis on “sweet”, because if you drink unsweet tea, then you probably also drink lukewarm water, both of which are gross. 

For a week straight, I went to a different restaurant in Owasso every day to test out their sweet tea. I ranked them as follows:  

5. Freddies- 2/10

Unfortunately, coming in last place is Freddies. Despite their amazing fries and fry sauce, the sweet tea didn’t even come close on the delicious scale. It was very watered down and had little sweetness. 

4. Zaxby’s- 6/10

Honestly not that bad, just nothing too special. Tastes like an average cup of sweet tea. I will give it bonus points for tasting the same after coming back to it hours later. Can’t tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing though…

3. Chickfila -7/10

It was “my pleasure” getting to try it, but it tasted like they dumped gallons of sugar in it. This made for a very overly sweet, sweet tea. Still good though, if that’s how you like your tea.

2. McAlisters- 8/10

I know, I’m surprised too. We all know that Mcalisters is famous for their sweet tea. It was very good and very sweet, but not good enough to make the top spot. One restaurant just barely made my taste buds happier and passed them for first place.

1.Canes- 9/10

First place goes to Canes! I could chug a whole gallon of this tea, which I basically did. It has the perfect ratio of tea and sugar, perfect for anytime of the day.

A very big thank you to all the restaurants that participated in this challenge! This article has definitely turned out to be one of my favorite articles I have ever written. Not only was it fun to write, I got five free sweet teas out of it, making for a very good week. Unfortunately, after drinking about half my body weight in sweet tea this week, I will not be drinking it for another six months, but when I do drink it again, I’ll know where to go.


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