The journey of the Owasso Art Club
By Averie Grace-Hayes
Photo of Art Club taken by Averie Grace-Hayes.
If you have a passion for painting, sculpting or drawing outside of school, then you might want to consider joining the OHS Art Club. The art club sponsors many projects, whether it be for the club, for the school or even the art show at the end of the year.
Art club has been taking place for many years, with a myriad of different teachers. Mr. Chambers, Owasso's newest art teacher, is currently in charge of the club. He’s accompanied by senior Nadia Clark, the president and intern for the educational side of the art department, and Kat Walker, the vice president and intern for digital art.
Nadia earnestly states, “I shadow the [6th through 12th grade] teachers and help them with bigger projects…the art show is my main project.”
Clark explains that the art show and art club are her main priorities as an intern this year, along with helping the art club get projects together for the art show. This has been a struggle because not many students have consistently shown up to the club, considering that many students do not know that it still exists.
“Most kids who are in art club are in upper grades now, [and] they would prefer to do it on East Campus,” says Clark.
Unfortunately, most upperclassmen are littered with excessive sports, academics and social lives with no remaining time to consistently show up to art club.
Despite the struggling attendance, art club has still found a way to produce interesting projects.
Their first project, in particular, involved stained glass, beading and wiring, decorating pillars and a multitude of other, more advanced projects. The art club likes to take advantage of the extra time that they have after school to do more dedicated projects that a normal art student wouldn’t have the resources to do.
Clark announces, “The art department would like the art club to have a part in the art show… later down the line, we are in charge of the interactive project for the art show.”
As of right now, the art club is focusing on the color-by-number project for the art show and starting their paper mache unit. The students see the club as a chance to advance their craft, not as a class but rather as a student-led activity.
If you have the time to dedicate to the art club and be a creative, consistent member, then stop by Mr. Chambers’s classroom in room 30 on the West Campus, from 3:00-4:00 every Thursday.