The Academic Team: buzzing in new beginnings

By Olivia Garrett

Does racing against your peers and hitting buzzers to answer trivia-style questions sound fun? Well, you're in luck because Owasso’s own academic team does just that! 

Image provided by Olivia Garrett

With an abundant variety of diverse questions, the academic team is anything but boring. Over this past year, they have gone through a multitude of changes; however, the team has never lost its positive outlook for their ever-fluctuating future. Even in the midst of staff and team member changes they’ve been able to find success. Whether it be through the many dedicated students' passion for the team or the teachers who choose to give their time and energy, through team effort, they’ve managed to revive this witty extracurricular. 

One of the sponsors , Mrs. Lisa McBride, states, “I'm learning and asking around where I can,” when speaking of learning how to manage the team. 

New team coaches, Mrs. McBride and Mrs. Palmer, are both finding their footing in their leadership roles, and while such a change may seem like a point of weakness for the team, its members view it as none of the sorts. Team leader Mrs. McBride expresses genuine excitement and ambition for the future of the team and one can't help but be hopeful by her positive attitude. Her optimistic goals for this team are fueling its entertaining learning environment and will continue to carry it on to new frontiers.

“My plans for the future of the academic team are to continue to prepare to be the best that we can be, but most of all, to have fun while learning.  This is a relaxed, friendly group of students that enjoy hanging out and doing trivia together, and I hope it stays that way,” McBride adds. 

As the academic team continues to keep preparing for their various activities and events, their positive mindset will carry throughout all that they do. Even in new leadership, there are still many returning members who care about the team and strive towards its success. This school year, returning members have begun to spark a fresh passion in curious students, and new team membership has only seen a steady increase since. 

In her own efforts to grow the team, student member Sophia Sim exclaims, “I just joined a week ago, and am trying to recruit more!”

The academic team has been anything but subtle in their recruitment approach. Whether it be through asking random people in the halls or campaigning at their teams’ table during howdy week, members are eager to extend their team into broader horizons. The team consists of several active members, and they are always looking for more. When competing, there are three different groups: novice, junior varsity and varsity. Each group consists of three to four people at the forefront, buzzers in hand, answering and solving questions, while the coaches support from the sidelines. While the buzz and answer system might sound daunting, members assure us that there is nothing to be intimidated about.

“You don’t have to be smart to join the [academic] team,” member Juanpablo Alvarez jokes.

Finding humor in the name of the team, Alvarez acknowledges how the academic team might sound pressuring or tedious. A perfect GPA or long list of academic achievements aren’t necessary for participating in this engaging activity, and Alvarez assures curious students that anyone is welcome in this accepting team. As the team will continue to improve and develop through new members and practice methods, the students’ genuine passion and eagerness for the group will drive this lively extracurricular on to new heights. If any of the unique traits and pursuits of the team interest you, you're always welcome to give it a try! They have practice every Monday from 3-3:45 in room 250, or you can contact  Mrs. McBride at to begin your Academic Team journey. Remember, everyone is always welcome!


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