Senior Bucket List

By Emily McCaslin

Senior year looks a lot different this year for all the seniors. Regardless of the hardships we have faced, we still have time to soak in all the great high school memories before it’s too late.

I was recently reminded to live in the moment and to not take things for granted. Do you want to look back and realize that you were just wasting your last months of high school just waiting for college? Or do you want to make as many memories as you can so you can look back with a smile on your face? Here is a list of some tips and tricks to make the most of the last semester of your senior year.

1. Hang out with a friend you wouldn’t normally hang out with

We all have those friends that we only hang out with at school or at school events. Take the opportunity to spend time with them outside of school. Or maybe you have a friend that you haven't seen in what feels like forever. Shoot them a quick text and catch up.

2. A giant picnic

Picnics are not just for little kids. Make a big group text, pick a day with nice weather and invite all your friends to a picnic in the park. Make everyone bring a different food item, blankets, and maybe a football to toss around. To make it covid friendly, you can wear masks and spread out around the park.

3. Senior prank

I’m not sure if this is just a movie thing or if people actually do this in real life. Either way, it should still be done! Within reason, play a prank on your friend, parent, or maybe even a simple prank on a teacher. Again, make sure it is within reason so you won’t get expelled and have to make another senior bucket list next year when you don’t graduate.

4. Prom

Photo from Tani Shern

Photo from Tani Shern

Prom is supposed to be one of the most magical nights of your high school career. Although it is up in the air if we will even have a prom, we can still make the most of it. In the event that we don’t have a real prom, use this as an excuse to still get dressed up, go out to eat, take pictures, party with your friends and make your own prom.

5. All Nighter

Why waste the hours of the night sleeping when you can stay up all night and have fun with your friends. Play games, have a movie night, eat your heart out, and drink a lot of caffeine to make sure you don’t fall asleep before you can watch the sunrise. The first person to fall asleep can expect a sharpie makeover on their face the following day. 

6. Senior skip day

I’m not sure if i’m allowed to advertise this in a school newspaper but I’m doing it anyway! Choose one day to play hookie at school, grab your friends, and make a whole day out of it. You can go on an adventure or stay in. Only one rule, no school work allowed at any time of the day. 

7. Take lots of pictures and videos

I love getting flashbacks on my phone of something that happened to me a year ago. Nothing is better than reminiscing on good memories. Also if you can, invest in a polaroid camera! This way you can automatically get a physical copy of a memory that you can store in a special place and get to look back on it.

8. Scavenger hunt in your town

For the competitive people, or just people looking for a good time, scavenger hunts are for you! Many people are moving to a new city after graduation so what better way to say goodbye to your city than to drive all around to different locations. Remember to take pictures of your group at that location for memories sake.

Photo from Tani Shern.jpg

9. Late night drive

Something about driving down the long headlight lit streets with your windows rolled down and blasting your music is very therapeutic. I came across a game that people can play with their friends that includes a car and a dice. You roll the dice and if it lands on a one or four then you go straight, two or five is left, and three and six is right. Roll the dice at every stop sign and stop light to decide if you turn right, left, or continue straight.

10. Take in every second

Yes, high school is hard. A lot of us have made our peace with it and are ready to move on. Don’t use this as an excuse to just let the rest of the year fly by. There is still so much time left to make memories that you won’t get to make any other time. You don’t want to look back on your senior year and regret not doing something. Make the most of the time you have left.


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