Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the Flavor of Fall

By Katie McEldowney

When you picture Fall, what comes to mind? Is it cool October evenings? Halloween Costume Parties? Or maybe even drinking hot tea with a warm fuzzy blanket? Yet, there seems to be one thing in particular that truly captures our undying love for the season-- Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 

They dust the palette with a warm, inviting aroma, hints of spice left like a sweet ribbon; expertly gift-wrapping all that fall has to offer. Want to see for yourself? Despite never failing to deliver on bombastic shows of flavor, these trends-worth-trying could not be simpler to make. 


½ cup of coffee

⅓ cup of unsweetened almond milk

1-2 tbsp of maple syrup

1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Garnish with cinnamon

It’s only 74 calories… unless you add whipped cream, like I did!

pumpkin spice latte.png

Simply add the almond milk and maple syrup to your preferred coffee alongside the pumpkin spice, stirring at your own pace: the smaller the time of mixing, the stronger the flavor. Finally, if the reader so pleases, finish your latest culinary delight with a dash of cinnamon and a dollop of whipped cream on top. Though an added amount of calories is a valid concern, no one of sound body and mind can refuse such a tantalizing image. 

Clearly, it’s the perfect blend between spice and charm; sweet till the end, yet never sickening. The fall taste you know and love is openly available to coffee lovers, not at all limited to the coffee shops and chains we all flock to for solace. When made with our own design and sentiments, the finished product can be a welcome departure from our pre-existing means of consuming coffee.


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