Owasso’s National Signing Day 

By Jaycee Hampton 

This past Friday, February 7, Owasso high school holds national signing day for the many seniors committed to colleges for athletics.

With a wide range in variety of sports at the school, there’s many athletes and many different sports heading into the collegiate level in a short few months. 

Here is a list of our Owasso Ram athletes and where they will be attending college.


Omarr Barker, NEO A&M College.

Cole Duggar, Lindenwood University.

Payton Lusk, Missouri State University. 

Isaiah Jacobs, University of Maryland. 

Tristain Profit, Missouri Western State University. 

Deuce Mayberry, University of Kansas. 

Haydon Grant, University of Tulsa. 

Mario Kirby, Pittsburg State University.


Aaliyah Ahmed, Coffeyville Community College. 

Payton Compton, Seminole State College.

Jaycee Hampton, Northwestern Oklahoma State University.

Paige Knight, University of Oklahoma.

Chloee Sams, Labette Community College.

Calee Gregory, NEO A&M College.

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Allene Dennis, Mid-America Christain University. 

Emilee Norton, Coffeyville Community College.

Aubrey Schroyer, Coffeyville Community College.

Annslee Leeviraphan, Evangel University.


Teigan Denny, Oklahoma Baptist University. 


Sydney Sherman, OKlahoma Baptist University. 

Gracie Pate, Oklahoma Baptist University. 

Kassidy Collins, University of Central Oklahoma. 

Tate Farely, Oral Roberts University. 

Gayson Ward, Evangel University. 

Corey Chales, University of Science and Arts.


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Brett Willcoxen, Northeastern State University. 

Tyler Rhodes, Freed-Hardeman University. 


Mallory Hendricks, University of Central Oklahoma.

Baylee Kosciolek, Coffeyville Community College. 


Gabe Russell, NEO A&M College. 

Nate Ackenhausen, Eastern Oklahoma State. 

Jack Hammond, University of Kansas. 

Conley Ray, Cowley Community College. 

Allen Carey, Ottawa University. 

Many seniors have still yet to commit, but congratulations to everyone who has signed thus far! Your hardwork and dedication does not go unnoticed within the Owasso community.  


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