Owasso’s 2023-24’ head freshman football coach
By James Burkhalter
Picture of Coach James Burkhalter by Cory Young
A year ago, James Burkhalter was approached by Coach Blankenship and asked to come coach for Owasso’s football team. Burkhalter is in his 18th year of coaching, with Owasso being his fourth instructor position. In addition to football, Burkhalter is also involved in track, primarily coaching long and high jump.
On Dec. 7, Coach Michaul Hainzinger announced his retirement as 9th Grade Football Head Coach following 45 years of dedicated coaching. With Coach Hainzinger’s retirement, Head Football Coach, Bill Blankenship, had a big decision to make- who would coach next year? Although this was Burkhalter’s first year at Owasso, Coach Blankenship chose him without hesitation.
“I’ve won six city championships, two-second place city championships, two frontier conference championships, and second place all-city,” proudly stated Burkhalter.
Burkhalter’s accomplishments only add to his qualifications for the freshman head coach position. Burkhalter has been a head coach before and has been coaching for longer than most of his athletes have been alive. His reputation and accomplishments follow him everywhere he goes. While he is very qualified, qualifications aren’t the only factor when being employed, and Coach Blankenship is very aware of that.
“[Blankenship] said he appreciates my work ethic, my commitment to bringing up younger athletes, my years of experience and my loyalty to Michaul Hanzinger and Rams football,” explained Burkhalter.
At the start of Owasso’s next football season, Coach Burkhalter will be calling the shots. With the knowledge of Coach Burkhalter’s previous successes, incoming freshmen can approach their football season without worry. Next season looks optimistic for the Freshman football team under the leadership of Coach Burkhalter.