Owasso Lady Ram Soccer’s New Coaching Staff
By Katelyn Fisher
Nearing the end of their preseason, the Owasso Lady Rams Soccer Team experienced the unexpected loss of their head coach, resulting in the assistant stepping up and taking over. Abraham Khalil, better known as Coach K, previously coached soccer at Broken Arrow but moved to Owasso at the beginning of the year due to his liking of the district and players.
Photo of Coach K taken by Brooks Woods
Coach K explains, “Playing Owasso last year, I really liked what I saw here when it came to the players. When I came over I liked the school district… I think we have a really good group of kids. I think it's a really good culture over here.”
Starting off as an assistant, Coach K readily stepped up and took over the soccer program by himself, soon bringing a whole new staff with him. In just a few weeks, the Lady Rams went from one coach to a staff of six coaches: Abraham Khalil, Nathalie Carman, Jerry Peaker, Shannon Nelms, Rachel Skalnik and Omar Chavez.
Each coach has their own specific and important role on the team, whether that be motivational, training or even driving buses; all are needed. Coach Carman has stepped into the role of an encouraging and confidence-building coach while still being tough and disciplined. She believes in finding the middle ground of giving support and correction to better each of her athletes, not only in their sport but also in their everyday lives.
“I think right now it seems like we are in a transitional, foundational season.” Coach Carman states, “So it's important for me to help encourage and build confidence individually as athletes, but also as students and all the other roles we play in life.”
Coach Carman had an instant liking for this program and the individuals within who want to play to their fullest potential. That was her biggest reason for joining the lady rams soccer staff this season and why she hopes to continue to coach and grow personal relationships with each of the players.
Coach Carman explains, “It was apparent to me that I had a group of girls that wanted to play, they needed direction, and they were open and willing to accept a new coach.”
Jerry Peaker, assistant coach and bus driver, is the motivational aspect the team needs as he always has some words of wisdom to give. Whether it be after a loss or a win, he believes that a lesson can always be learned in any situation.
One of Coach Peaker’s most memorable phrases is, “Respect everyone, but fear no one.”
With his motivational words, Coach Peaker builds a confidence within the team that he hopes will carry over into games. While having talent is a major factor in a team's success rate, believing in yourself and your team is more important. Without confidence, talented teams don’t trust themselves which creates hesitation in every split second decision on the field. Coach Peaker helps the Lady Rams team remember that they are talented and can be very successful if they keep trying and keep building confidence.
Another one of the Lady Rams new coaches for their 2023 season is Shannon Nelms. Coach Nelms has the personality and attitude needed to help her team give it their all in every practice and game, regardless of how it’s going. She gives lots of corrections but always follows up with an explanation of what went wrong and how to fix it.
One of coach Nelms’s biggest interests in a player is their character and the friendships they have within their team. She believes that having relationships with teammates creates stronger bonds that allow them to work in unity as one team.
Coach Nelms explains, “I think having friendships on and off the field [are important]. When you have a friend, you are having someone you trust in, and so you know that as soon as you walk onto a field, they are gonna do their best, and you're gonna do your best, so there's no doubt because you trust them.”
Coach Skalnik is another one of the new coaches for the team. As well as coaching basketball, she joined the Lady Rams just a few weeks before the start of their season. Coach Skalnik wants to coach a team and build relationships with and get to know the players.
Coach Skalnik wants to learn about each of her new players in order to coach them better. She even did short “interviews” when she first arrived to meet and find out what the team's interests and lives were like. By understanding who her players are, Coach Skalnik believes that she can coach them better and bring out the best in the team.
Omar Chavez, who coached last year, is the comedic aspect of the soccer team. While coaching and giving corrections, he never fails to make a joke and get a few laughs out of it. With his lighthearted mood, Coach Chavez keeps the team’s spirits up even in downcast situations.
While it’s important to take things seriously, Coach Chavez understands that he is coaching highschool students who sometimes need a little cheerful comedy to get through their day. He wants the team to improve, but he also wants them to have fun and enjoy the sport they love.
With their new coaching staff, the Lady Rams have high hopes for going further into districts and playoffs. Their coaches will help to bring out the very best of each and every player to give the team the best chance of winning. They have had a successful season so far and don’t plan to stop anytime soon.