Owasso FFA: Battle of the buckle

By Averie Grace-Hayes

Photo of cow taken by Jillian Childress

The Owasso Future Farmers of America program is one of the most prominent organizations at Owasso High School. From working in their classrooms, to being down at the barn, FFA students display incredible passion and discipline. With the showing season coming soon, the students have an entertaining competition to get them ready for show season, “The Battle of the Buckle,” which occurred on Friday, January 31st.

FFA’s Battle of the Buckle is a contest that is primarily focused on showmanship. The contest includes all animals, including cows, sheep and hogs. This competition is a way for students to practice how the animals need to look and act for upcoming shows. The first place winner and the runner up are able to win belt buckles.

Senior Sydney Wallace has been in FFA for two years and is primarily dealing with sheep this season.

“It’s mainly showmanship, so that [the judges] aren’t looking at your animal and the size of it and the looks of it, they’re looking at how you handle your animal, … it’s just like how you present yourself and the animal,” Wallace explains.

Unlike the normal shows and competition, Battle of the Buckle is a short and lighthearted competition night in which all animals are shown.

Wallace states “Usually at shows there’s only one animal a day, … so it’s all animals usually because they take so long to do … because there’s so many different classes and breeds.”

Photo of Brock Farris showing his cow taken by Jillian Childress

Seth Vann, the vice president of OHS’s FFA organization and runner up or “reserve champion” of Battle of the Buckle, is dealing with primarily cattle this season.

“So how you show cattle is you have a halter, you bring them in, it’s basically how you set up the animal and also, how well you present it and make it look the best it can look,” Vann explains. “I make sure I set [my cow] up, and if she sets up on the first time, that’s golden.”

Vann’s valiant discipline in FFA principles reflects his win in Battle of the Buckle and his overall journey with FFA.

Vann shares, “I’ve been in [FFA] since eighth grade, Allison [Tillinghast] is the president this year and I’m the vice president.”

The president of FFA and winner of this year’s Battle of the Buckle, Allison Tillinghast is now a three time winner.

Photo of Battle of the Buckle belt buckle taken by Allison Tillinghast

“Last year I was secretary and then this year I’m the president. … Our duties as chapter officers are planning chapter meetings and just like planning stuff for our members.” Tillinghast elaborates, “[Battle of the Buckle,] it’s just kind of like a local showmanship show for all of our members who show livestock. Normally it’s our first show of the year … for members to get their feet wet and just see what showing is all about.”

Year after year, Battle of the Buckle has been a very successful way for FFA members to practice showing with their animals and handling themselves on the showing grounds. Congratulations to Allison Tillinghast and Seth Vann for winning Battle of the Buckle 2025!


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