Our Daily Donut: the benefits of working local
By Josh Foreman
Image provided by Our Daily Donut Co.
Alongside Owasso’s ever-growing community grow local businesses that stand out among the competing chain stores. Among the many family-owned businesses, one stands out above the rest, but only if you know where to look. Our Daily Donut Co. is a family business of coffee, breakfast sandwiches, baked goods and, naturally, donuts. Compared to the many franchises and corporations within Owasso, small businesses like this one can offer so much value to employees and customers alike. A great example of this impact is Carlie Rodgers, an OHS senior and employee of Our Daily Donut Co.
Rodgers used to work for the clothing store Rue 21 before her employment at Our Daily Donut Co., where she now works alongside her mother.
“With Rue 21, they treat their employees with little-to-no respect…” Rodgers says. “I was really just working for my managers, but I couldn’t care less about actually selling things as long as my managers’ needs were met.”
This disconnect between company and staff made sure that Rodgers never felt like a part of the team within her store. Eventually making the switch to a local brand, however, would prove beneficial.
“Working for a smaller company, I have a lot more passion and drive to actually sell a product and make sure the customers are happy, because I want it to reflect well on the company,” Rodgers states.
Rodgers and her own family quickly became part of the ‘work family’, which in her eyes, became one of the many good things about working locally. A care for the people is a care for the job. Rodgers wanted a job she would enjoy, value and respect, working with a locally owned company—she got it.
“I dread getting up at 4:30, but I never dread being at work. Being at work is fun, and going to the donut shop on a Saturday is my favorite part of the week; I see all my people,” Rodgers says with a smile.
While Rodgers works with her mother, she feels as though she is part of the owners’ family as well. Working closely together for such a long time has built a bond between the crew that will last them all a lifetime; they would do anything for each other, just as they would their real families.
When asked about scheduling, Rodgers explains that “working for a smaller company, it’s more of ‘I’m going to have to take this time off, but how can I make it work best because I don’t want [the owners] struggling so much.’ It’s a mutual respect and consideration for each other.”
This mutual respect built between hours of hard work is exactly what seems to be perfect about local businesses. If the employers can help their employees enjoy their jobs, everyone will bond and build a sense of respect that gets them through their stressful work days.
“The turnover is crazy with big corporations, so you don’t have your team that you’ve bonded with. As a small, family-owned business I know my people and my customers.”
While the coworkers are important to Rodgers, the spotlight always seems to shine on the customers as well. Building relations in a town as big as Owasso can be difficult, but through good nature and consistency, Rodgers and the rest of the staff have built lasting friendships, comradery and a routine “Coffee Crew” that they spend every Sunday morning with. Even in a town littered with highways, Our Daily Donut Co. continues to grow their family even outside of their own store.
“I think Owasso is more connected than it seems, you just have to be in the right circles.”