Owasso High School: celebrating the veterans in our community
By Alivia Williams
Photo of American flag taken by Alivia Williams
This year, Owasso High School celebrated the veterans in our community on Friday, Nov. 11. Two assemblies were held in the PAC for 9th & 10th grade, as well as 11th and 12th grade.
As students and guests filled the PAC, there was a slideshow playing, used to highlight the veterans in our community, as well as students’ and faculty’s family members/friends who served, or are currently serving in the military. Next, the Color Guard did their pledges and their job of correctly placing the flags. To start the assembly, senior Carys Couch sang the National Anthem and the audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance. To show appreciation for our veterans, The Pride of Owasso and choir performed a lovely arrangement of “America the Beautiful.” With the audience musically moved, Mrs. Bowman introduced a showing of an ESPN special that proved to bring the audience together in a greater understanding of the struggles soldiers face when being away from home. The video switches between the life of a soldier in action and clips of soldiers returning home and surprising their families. It brings tears to the eyes and tugs on the heartstrings as one witnesses these bittersweet exchanges. American soldiers face many harsh realities and decisions, and this among many other reasons is why we should celebrate, and thank our veterans for all that they’ve done for our country.
The veterans day committee introduced speaker Brad Ruttman, who shared that he has been in the military for 20+ years. He told a personal story of his time in the Air Force, with small notes of humor, but in a greater sense, he left a strong message of feeling united in our country. Thank you to Brad Ruttman for that important speech.
Next, the assembly moved on to honoring our veterans by calling them by name and branch, followed by how long they served. The audience clapped for each and every veteran, giving them the utmost respect they deserve. After featuring our veterans, there was a round of applause for the Daughters of the American Revolution, an organization that includes women who are direct descendants of people involved in the United States efforts toward independence.
After celebrating our guests, the committee recognized the Owasso High School veteran’s day poetry and art contest winners. Niko Maggard, a senior, read his 1st place winning poem, “Reverence.”
This reading was followed by a sequence of service songs, performed by Pride of Owasso, in which veterans came up to the front of the PAC to be honored under their branch of military.
The assemby ended with a collective karaoke singing of “God Bless America,” to bring all students, faculty, and guests together in unison. It was important to recognize those in our community who have risked their lives, left their families and put their personal life on pause to serve our country, protect our rights and keep us safe. Never forget to thank those who serve and have served our country.