“Gettin’ Jazzy”
By Ashton Slaughter
Picture of the Jazz Choir at their Spring Concert, photo taken by Abby Duncan.
The Owasso High School Jazz Choir performed their Spring Concert on Monday, May 10. The concert consisted of seven group songs and six solo songs from different members of the group. This was the only concert that the group had performed this year, as the pandemic halted a lot of plans and normal traditions for the choir. In fact, they haven’t gotten to perform since the winter of 2019.
One of the students affected this year was senior Tre Lewis, a second year Jazz Choir member and seasoned Owasso choir veteran.
“The pandemic definitely made things harder on us,” says Lewis. “Not being able to hear each other all the time with our masks on and having to practically teach ourselves the music at the beginning of the year was also a struggle,” he continues, pointing out key things that the group had to deal with this year.
Photo of Tre Lewis, photo taken by Kendall Brown.
As Lewis mentioned, when the school year started back in August online, the group had to get on a Google Meet at 7:00 a.m. (their normal rehearsal time). However, there was only so much the teacher, Mrs. Bettridge could do… as the group had to rely heavily on themselves to really practice their music so once they came back together the group could mesh well. Obviously the group did overcome this though, as once school was resumed in-person their rehearsals continued for the rest of the semester. However, with strict COVID restrictions and not lots of leeway in the PAC, the choir had to just record their songs, so they missed out on a fall and winter concert.
Speaking of Mrs. Bettridge, anyone in the choir will tell you how much of a light she is, and how helpful she is for the students. Unfortunately, the group has been without her since late March due to health related issues. This has left not only Jazz Choir, but the whole choir department without their biggest cheerleader and supporter.
Lewis puts it perfectly saying: “It once again feels like we almost have to teach ourselves the music… not being able to have the continued support and not seeing Mrs. Bettridge everyday has been difficult.”
Even with Bettridge not being there, Lewis still feels that they held their own and had a great concert.
Jazz Choir is now transitioning into audition mode for next year, since many seniors, like Lewis, are leaving.
“It’s definitely saddeding, but I’m also happy when looking at the past four years and holding on to every memory I made,” says Lewis.
Even though the Jazz Choir has had to deal with a bunch of adversity this year, they’ve still overcome it all and put on a great performance. As a bit of a bonus for the group, Mrs. Bettridge was actually in attendance for the concert, giving the students a morale boost and a reunion that they’ve been desperate to have with their instructor.