February Dear Rambo - Dealing with Depression

Dear Rambo,

I’m dealing with depression and it has been really hard to cope these last couple of years, 


Dear Student,

Depression is a personal struggle that many people may battle and is often bottled and internalized. But what exactly is depression?  

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, defines depressive symptoms as “feel[ing] sad or uninterested in things that they used to enjoy, or feel helpless or hopeless in situations they are able to change.”

Having this condition may seem hopeless at times, but recognizing your symptoms early on might make way to a more speedy recovery.

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 From the Data Statistics on Children’s Mental Health, almost 2 million children, ages 3-17, have been diagnosed with depression. Whether these feelings arise during the colder months of the year or have been constantly lingering throughout your life, there are many ways to treat and even recover from such a detrimental condition.  

The first and one of the most important ways to receive treatment is to talk to an adult or professional about the thoughts and feelings you’ve been experiencing. Sharing sensitive matters may seem terrifying at first, but the simple process of talking can help alleviate a lot of the tension carried with any problems. 

“Despite its high treatment success rate, nearly two out of three people suffering with depression do not actively seek nor receive proper treatment” (DBSA, 1996). 

For an opportunity close to home, our school counselors are always happy to discuss any concerns and their support is offered anytime. Depending on the severity of the situation, another beneficial outlet would be to seek guidance from a therapist. A professional opinion and medical expertise is proven to cause significant benefits. 

“Up to 80% of those treated for depression show an improvement in their symptoms, generally within four to six weeks of beginning medication, psychotherapy, attending support groups or a combination of these treatments.”(National Institute of Health, 1998)

Along with receiving proper treatment, living a healthy lifestyle can help manage the symptoms of depression. Incorporating the practice of healthy habits into a routine can provide both the mental sense of peace and the reestablishment of physical control in your life. Exercise alone is said to increase feelings of self-confidence, empowerment, and enhance social connections. 

As far as the scientific aspect is concerned, “exercise stimulates the body to produce serotonin and endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters) that help depression” (University of Minnesota). 

Coupled with physical activity, eating a balanced diet that consists of fruits and vegetables can provide the same mood-boosting neurotransmitters. 

Be it a seasonal or continual condition, depression is a serious issue. Though it can be present with internal challenges, these steps can be taken to help manage any symptoms. Don’t forget that the first part of any process of trying to reduce this state is reaching out and getting help! 



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