February “Celebration of Poetry” winners

By Olivia Voth

The Owasso Rampage hosted its second February poetry contest since 2022’s “Bittersweet Sonnets” Valentine’s Poetry competition. This year, the theme was broadened to include more ideas and open more opportunities for creativity: “What does February mean to you?”

February Collage by Olivia Voth

From its announcement on Jan. 25 to the deadline of Feb. 9, spanning roughly two weeks, the Rampage received a total of 25 poetry entries. Students from every grade level at Owasso High School competed, with their poetry submissions varying greatly. The muses ranged from Valentine’s Day to birthdays, as well as Groundhog’s Day and more.  This made the judging process all the more difficult for the Rampage staff. Even so, the winning poem was chosen by a landslide, though followed closely by the runner-up.

First Place: “Ode to Roscoe” by Eric Reed: 

Adopted in February 

Dear dog in my heart you are more than temporary 

is your taxonomic nomenclature

An endothermic quadruped

carnivorous by nature

Your visual, olfactory,

and auditory senses

Contribute to your hunting skills

and natural defenses.

I find myself intrigued

by your sub-vocal oscillations

A singular development

of dog communications

That obviates your

basic hedonistic predilection

For a rhythmic stroking of your fur

to demonstrate affection.

A tail is quite essential

for your acrobatic talents

You would not be so agile

if you lacked its counterbalance

And when not being utilized

to aid in locomotion

It often serves to illustrate

the state of your emotion

Oh, Roscoe,

the complex levels of behavior you display

Denote a fairly well-developed cognitive array

And though you are not sentient, Roscoe, and do not comprehend

I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

Photo of Roscoe Reed by Eric Reed

Second Place:

“An Ode to Empty Valentine’s Boxes” by Presley Boschert

This is to everybody

Who walked into elementary school

Every February 

And received only obligations.

(You had to give a valentine to everybody,

Or else you were mean.)

But how many of us

Saved that special, favorite valentine–

The little heart with the most glitter

In our favorite shade of pink,

The sticker of the best ninja turtle,

The fullest packet of fun-dip,

The most romantic candy heart–

For a special someone?

This is for everyone

Who has never been a special someone.

This is my crush-pink


Sugar-coated Valentine

To all of you.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

To the excluded and forgotten,

To the obligations and weirdos,

To the lonely and abandoned;

My fullest, tastiest packet of fun dip

(The best valentine’s candy),

A heart-shaped box of chocolates,

Your favorite tacky temporary tattoo.

To the last odd ones out in group projects,

To those with who feel like they have nobody 

to at least break their heart,

I wish you a fountain of Valentines

All heartfelt,

And all the special ones.

Both winners are seniors in Mrs. Beeson’s first-hour AP Literature class. The first-place winner shall receive a $25 Ron’s Hamburgers and Chili gift card, and second place gets an OR Nutrition gift card. Congratulations to Eric Reed and Presley Boschert! Be sure to look forward to more upcoming competitions from the Owasso Rampage.


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