Books, Beverages, and More: Why Coffee with the Counselors is a Great Idea

By Gabrielle Merten

Going to the school’s office for advice can feel sort of awkward if you have trouble talking to people you’re unfamiliar with, but Dayna Potter, a counselor located at the West campus, wants to change that- starting with a weekly meetup in the library that is also known as Coffee With The Counselor

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Mrs. Potter explains how this meeting works: “Every Wednesday morning from about 7:40 to 8:00, we meet in the library, have hot chocolate [along with other hot beverages], and just sit around and talk. And it seems to be growing,” the counselor states. “We usually have about fifteen students.”

Mrs. Potter then elaborates on the effectiveness of the program by saying: “They get to know me better and see me outside of the office, so when they do need help or have questions, they feel more comfortable asking me. Sometimes other counselors come in just to look around, and sometimes they get coffee and say hi, but that’s usually about it. Any student in the West campus is welcome to join us. We just sit around and visit; it’s very laid back.” 

As for the future of the event, she “[is] hoping to have our own little room once the renovations over here are done, but for now it’s in the library.”

Coffee With The Counselor really is a great program, and I highly encourage West campus students to check it out. It would be wonderful to have a familiar connection with a school counselor, and you might even make some new friends!


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