“Remotely” Gaming - A List of Games to Play at Home

By Kai Neuberger

Between COVID-19 and crazy snowstorms, our time inside has increased dramatically. So, I propose video games as the solution to fill our time. Specifically, games you can play with friends while we’re all trapped indoors.

Nintendo Switch Games:

  1.  The first game I’d have to recommend is “Stardew Valley.” I got this game at the beginning of “Miss Rona” about a year ago and have not stopped playing since then. While it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the quaint little town of Pelican Valley has taken my heart. Together with friends, or even alone, you can create a beautiful farm, go on quests, rebuild the community, fight in the mines, and so much more. While it only gets an update about once a year, the gameplay never gets old. Just make sure whoever plays most often is the host, without them being on, nobody else can play on your joint farm.

  2.  Next up, “Jackbox Party Packs.” While I personally recommend the 3rd pack, all of the others are entertaining. While, playing remotely on the Switch takes a little bit of extra work, it’ll all be worth it in the end. It’s hours of fun for anyone to play. Plus, if you play with family at home it’s a piece of cake. Plug in your Switch to your TV, have everyone grab a mobile device, and follow the directions on the screen! Even fun for the kids!

Photo from Amazon.com 

Photo from Amazon.com 

“Remotely” Gaming2.jpg

Photo from Amazon.com

  1.  Finally, “My Hero One’s Justice.” While its story mode could be better, the PVP is reminiscent of “Street Fighter,” but with characters we know and love. Learning to fight with some of my favorite “My Hero Academia” characters has been a blast, and I love absolutely smoking my opponents.

Honorable Mentions.) While there are mixed reviews on the online play, they do still deserve some recognition for being fun games. “Animal Crossing” (which I’ve done an article on previously if you want to read more about it) and “Super Smash Brothers'' make the honorable mentions list. Plus, if you enjoy playing the latter, you may want to consider joining our school’s ESports team.

Xbox Games: 

Photo of Kingdom for Keflings by Fandomania.com 

Photo of Kingdom for Keflings by Fandomania.com 

  1.  First things first, my all-time favorite game “Elder Scrolls Online.” I have been playing this game for years at the “Summerset” gameplay (a very early version of the game), and I have still not run out of things to do. I’ve only gotten one expansion, the thieves guild, but otherwise, it’s entirely how the game started. The quest lines, skills, PVP battles (especially against friends) etc. are amazing. Even the maps and loading screens are beautiful! If you play with friends, I recommend starting with some delves (catacombs of sorts riddled with enemies, typically with a boss at the end) in your starting area, it’s a good way to learn how to fight quickly as well as gain experience.

  2.  “Halo: The Masterchief Collection” is also a notable game. It combines nearly all of the “Halo” games into one. While I’m personally more of a “Call of Duty” type of gamer, my opinions of both games are a bit controversial. As unpopular of an opinion as it is, I do enjoy “Call of Duty” more than “Halo” and would not play “Halo” alone. However, it is for sure one to play with friends. I personally enjoy slashing foe with the energy sword, but be sure not to die or you’ll have to go hunt down a decent weapon again once you revive. To quote my friends on why they enjoy the game, “The guns are cool.”

  3.  As silly as it may seem, the last game on my list has to be “Kingdom for Keflings.” An absolutely comical and simplistic game. It makes my list because whenever I get bored and none of my typical favorite games sound entertaining, I always go back to this one. Ever since I was about 8 years old, I have enjoyed playing this game. While the town building is very enjoyable, my favorite aspect is watching my giant character rise above all of the Keflings and even drop-kick some of them across the screen. It never fails to make me smile. Plus, it’s so simple I can play it any day and in any mood. Now you can drop-kick some small minions with your friends!

Honorable Mention.) “Destiny” is the last game that comes to my mind for online play. Not only are the dynamics of the game interesting, but I typically try to start soccer matches in the town with the other players. I have to say my interactions with the community of that game are its highlight for sure especially when you have a buddy to help your plans come to fruition. This doesn’t mean that it has bad gameplay though. The missions are the right level of challenging and the weapons offered are fantastic. Despite this, it’s not a game I would play alone; it’s definitely a game you should play with at least one other friend. 

Photo by Fandomania.com .jpg

So now while you’re stuck at home, pick up your nearest game controller, contact your friends and play a super fun game. Even play alone or make a new friend while playing. No matter what you decide, these games will not let you down.


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